

Board of directors

As a management board elected by the General Meeting of Shareholders, has full authority on behalf of the company to decide on all important issues related to the purpose and interests of the company, except for matters under its authority of the General Meeting of Shareholders. The Board of Directors has the right and obligation to supervise CEO and other managers in the company. Rights and obligations of the Board are set by the Law and the company's Charter, internal regulations and resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Mr. Tran Ba Thai

- He was former Director of NetNam Company, formerly known as Computer Network Systems Department of the Institute of Information Technology - National Center for Natural Science and Technology (Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology now)

- Being elected by Asiaweek as one of three typical information revolutionaries of Asia after his contributions to bring internet to Vietnam

Mr. Nguyen Trung Chinh
Vice Chairman

- Chairman of CMC Technology Group

- Top 10 most influential characters to Vietnam Internet (2007-2017)

- Graduated from Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering (1987)

Mr. Hoang Ngoc Hung

- Deputy General Director of CMC Technology Group

- Assigned as General Director of Ciber CMC Joint Stock Company

- Member of the Board of Directors and General Director of CMC Software Solution Company (2007 - 2015)

- Graduated from Budapest Technical University, Hungary (1985)

Mr. Vu The Binh

- Taking the position of Vice Director of NetNam in 2006 and CEO of NetNam from 6/2010

- He was elected as General Secretary of Vietnam Internet Association (VIA) in 2016, Vice President of VFOSSA in 2011 and Executive Committee member of Vietnam Information Security Association (VNISA) in 2012

- Graduated from University of Technology and Science

Mr. Ngo Duc Anh

- Branch Manager in Ho Chi Minh City since 2000

- Deputy General Director from 6/2010

Board of management

Mr.Nguyen Vu An

- Southern Deputy Branch Director of NetNam Corporation from 9/2022

- Head of Deployment & Integration Department since 2015

- Professional qualification: Bachelor's of Technology

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Phuong
Deputy CEO

- Northern Deputy Branch Director of NetNam Corporation from 10/2022

- Public Relations Officer of NetNam Corporation from 2017

- Head of International Sales of NetNam Corporation from 2010

- Professional qualification: Bachelor's of Economics

Supervisory board

Mr. Le Thanh Son

- Chief Financial Officer of CMC Technology Group

- Former Investment Director of Phu Thai Group

- Graduated from National Economics University (2000)

Mr. Nguyen Minh Tue

- Head of Internal Audit and Risk Management Department of CMC Corporation

Ms. Dinh Phương Ha

- HR Executive in NetNam Corporation